About Dr. Johnnie L. Simpson

Veterans Advocate & community activist

Dr. Simpson is the President, of National Veterans Association Business Foundation, 501,c,3 certified by the IRS doing business as “NVABF”, is supportive of any nationality, creed, race, gender, religion and color, we support Veterans and their families.

His organization serves as an advocate to support community activities, Veterans and their dependents during their quest to file a claim for benefits with the Veterans Administration.  NVABF assist Veterans with education loans to become forgiven to eliminate the loan, information provided at the seminar. The seminars are the way we network and also get funding support for NVABF to support our cause.

Donate Laptops, workstations, and Cell phones for Active- duty Services Members (Must Qualify), Veterans, Veterans Spouse, and children. Donate electronics to children in the Caribbean’s, to include the following St Thomas, St Croix, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago and Africa.

Our donations have been placed in the hands of starving students, community leaders, out of work mothers, out of work fathers, Infirmaries, and children.

Run fund raising campaigns to raise financial assets for Community Members that are financial inept and have no means for supporting their legal battles and cannot pay rent for their current location or cannot pay their mortgage.

Use financial assets from our budget to pay for lodging of families that have been displaced due to loss of employment and those that are new to the military and have no financial assets after moving their family to the area to support their spouse.

Dr. Simpson & NVABF Story

As a Service Connected Disabled Veteran in the line of duty, I started this nonprofit to assist Veterans and their family members. Our cause to donate time, services, cell phones, clothing, and provide information for resources does make a difference to Veteran(s) and families.

Veterans who qualify for a 100 percent disability rating from the VA are entitled to additional benefits not afforded to other veterans. A list of benefits for 100 percent disabled veterans and their dependents will be discussed to include the secrets to gaining access to these benefits.

Widowers of Veterans are afforeded benefits if they apply for them and that is discussed at the seminar.

Our donations are from donor resources that are very deligent in providing discounted products for our being able to give them away. But NVABF must pay for the items that we get that are given away. Your donations are the thing that keep us afloat. As well as we get donations from Dr. Simpson company VETSCON, LLC.

VETSCON, LLC is a Technology Consulting/Construction organization that provides support for Network Design, Web Development, Consulting, & Construction Engineering to customers around the globe.

“Dr. Simpson assisted with the Veteran(s) that needed to apply for benefits, since 1997. This increased their financial assets as they filed for a disability rating  and in less than six months they got their first check with back pay!”

VA Statistics Below


Veterans Approved Claims without NVABF for 100% Service Connection


Veterans Denied Claims with 1yr of appeals without NVABF


Veterans Approved Claims with NVABF Supported Network

Veteran(s) Create History!

The military has brain washed Service members/Veterans for decades. By telling us not to go on sick call if we got injured in the line of duty. This in itself is a PTSD as they pushed us to not take it serious about being injured, for life after the military would be more difficult to prove a claim.

They stereotyped us as “Sick Call Soldiers”. It is time we take a stance!!! Not accepting the metafore of the military as this is a tactic to make the service members to become Veterans not get documentation for their benefits. By not getting it documented allows the VA to say your condition is “Not Service Connected”. Take a STANCE!!! STAND UP VETERAN(S)!!!!! State your claim.

Our Votes and Voices shall not be silenced any further. We need to give support those Veterans and their families that don’t understand the perplexed process of the Veterans Administration to place a claim.

NVABF is giving percise information at the seminars for the correct method(s) of documentation required to file their claims and fight the “Not Service Connected” Conditions. We are not going to take your claim and process it, but we are going to give percise instruction sheets as to the procedures to gain stronger process to get approved thru our network.

Our success rate is substantially higher than those that claim to assist by asking Veterans to give away their dignity and authority signature to control their claims. We empower our community by informing the members of our community with products and services that assure success, while there is no guarantee of the VA approving the claim. We have had years of success and practice. See our posting comments pages. Our seminars have assisted Veterans to come from 0% to 100% service connected disability with our suggestions and network of professionals. To include in changing some of the “Not Service Connected to Service Connected”.

To be brave and still want to keep their dignity is as we stand Proud Men and Women that volunteered to serve our Country. To accept a helping hand is nothing to be ashamed of and that is the thing NVABF supports. If you never ask, you will never become independent.

NVABF Siminars

We charge a fee for our siminars. This is used to support the Veterans, their families and the organization. We pay our Subject Matter Experts for the information and support provided during and after the seminars. You are afforded access to our network of experts. We devote time to questions and give answers that return results.


  • Teach the correct procedure to apply for benefits
  • Empower you with tools for success
  • Demonstrate and Walk thru a claim
  • Prove a claim can be established


  • Provide experiences of dissaproved claims
  • Provide experiences of approved claims
  • Introduce video testomony
  • Introduce statistics of approved cases by law


  • Recognize Veterans that NVABF has assisted
  • Allow Veterans to come forth with video testomony

Education & Approach to Getting Approved Claims

Provide case studies from the VA. Show online the approach and proven method to getting claims approved. The regulation that can assure approval of a claim.

Benefits of NVABF Network

NVABF Network

Teach the meaning of understanding and the methodology of NVABF. Our approach and ability to assist with success by introducing Veterans to our network.

Social Media Responsibility

Say Cheese Government Officials

Take a picture and send it to us for useage on the website. This will be posted on the site. We want to show our struggle is still real. The Federal Governemnt is sugar coating the struggle we are in a constant battle to just get a little justice. Show the truth.

The Reasons Veterans Matter Too….

Veterans Matter Too!!!

We are leading the effort to help Veterans in ways that others only give lip service. If you want your benefits you have to fight for them. We have taught our community of Veterans the fight isn’t over. We have fought for our country and now we fight to preserve our rights for the benefits we deserve.

What I Can Do For You?

Provide Concise Vision

Brand Yourself for Succes


Hit the Bullseye For the Claim Initiation


Provide Years of Research Knowledge

Work to the Common Goal 100% Disability


NVABF Operations Support



(855) 632-9013 ext 103



Locations  we have Supported